Jan 29 2009


Published by under Uncategorized

I thought theĀ “What is CC?” website was a very interesting and useful website. I always thought their was only one type of copyright and that was that noone could use your work, no matter the circumstance. I think that the “some rights reserved” is an interesting idea which allows for creativity to be shared. My main question has to deal with the legality and the siting of a “some rights reserved” source. If you borrow someone’s ideas from their “some rights reserved” copyright do you have to site it? Or can you just take the information and claim it as your own? Is their some type of rule or law against that?

We use visuals as a way to interpret and better understand things throughout society. Just simply looking at a description on how to do something may not be easy. Having pictures and visuals on how to do that same thing often helps or aids in learning. Visuals are effectively used depending on the individual using them. Some poeple are visual learners and learn better this way and others do not. Visuals play an important role in communication by allowing us to communicate without actually talking. We can present many ideas on various things but showing pictures and videos. Just talking is not the sole way we communicate. Visuals are important in everything becuase they are everwhere. Understanding a map when driving is using visuals as well as recognizing street signs. If a person could not use visuals and did not understand street/road signs a person would not be able to have a license. Not being able to drive would heavily affect a persons life. As a teacher we need to realize visual images and know that students sometimes learn by using visuals. Visuals are everywhere in society and we need to know how to interpret them in order to successful communicate with friends, family and co-workers.

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