Jan 20 2009


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I expect to gain more overall knowledge on writing throughout this class. I hope to learn more about communication and how it is directly linked to writing. I also hope to improve as a writer and learn various things that I can pass along to my future students. I feel like everytime I write something, no matter what it is, I always seem to learn something. I hope that that fact carries on over to this class as well as my other. I also hope to learn how to better communicate with others and learn more about diversity and how it affects writing and communication. I hope to learn many things that will help me grow as a reader and as a future educator.

Literacy to me means the ability to affectively communicate with others through either writing, oral communication or both. In order to be considered literate you must understand other people as well as yourself.

We write because it is proven to be an affective way of communicating between other people. Writing is important because if a person cannot write, it is hard to communicate with someone because the person is forced to rely solely on verbal communication. Writing is hugely important and, in my opinion, is a must if you want to succeed in todays society.

  1. Why do we write?

One response so far

One thought on “1/14

  1.   bcottrion 20 Jan 2009 at 8:51 pm

    Andy, Nice work so far. I hope that what you learn in this class will help you as a writer and a future educator. I think some of the most helpful classes I had when I was in college were classes that helped me to see something I expected in a new light (be it the discussing graphic novels as literature or film adaptations of classic literature or even something like creating a website as a final course project). I hope that this class helps you see writing, communicating, reading, and all aspects of literacy in a new way.

    Nice work.

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