Archive for January, 2009

Jan 31 2009

1/30 Out of Class Visual Narrative Assignment

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After analyzing my rough idea for the visual narrative assignment and looking over the assignment sheet a couple of times I am even more confident with my idea. Today I coached two basketball games and took pictures at them. I waited to write this until my games were over just to make sure the pictures […]

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Jan 30 2009

1/30 In-Class Visual Narrative Assignment

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For my visual narrartive I will be doing a collage of the various literacies that I used throughout the week. I will include pictures of me at school, with my friends, and coaching. I use literacy in all of those daily/weekly activities. I will have about 4 or 5 pictures within each group of me […]

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Jan 29 2009


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In order to create a good visual narrative, the images that you include need to be able to persuade your audience. The images need to grab your audiences attention and draw them into your narrative. A visual narrative needs to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas without using audio communication. A visual narrative not only […]

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Jan 29 2009


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I thought theĀ “What is CC?” website was a very interesting and useful website. I always thought their was only one type of copyright and that was that noone could use your work, no matter the circumstance. I think that the “some rights reserved” is an interesting idea which allows for creativity to be shared. My […]

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Jan 20 2009


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List of literacy acts I use everyday: 1. Talking with my friends and family 2. Talking on the phone 3. Writing an email to my teachers 4. Writing a paper for school 5. Communicating with the girls and boys I coach in basketball 6. Asking questions to my teachers and raising my hand in class […]

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Jan 20 2009


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I expect to gain more overall knowledge on writing throughout this class. I hope to learn more about communication and how it is directly linked to writing. I also hope to improve as a writer and learn various things that I can pass along to my future students. I feel like everytime I write something, […]

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Jan 16 2009

Hello world!

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Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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