Second Life

I have been messing around on Second life for the past 2 hours.  Set up was easy, I enjoyed creating my avatar, and the customization that went into creating him.  There are still some areas I am confused about, such as customizing clothing. Orientation Island was a little helpful. It helped me figure out how to create objects, which I had a great time doing. I think the online tutorials were of more help then the island.  I have not interacted with any one yet. I’ve been in an area with a bunch of people talking on mics but I just passed on through. I still don’t understand where I am supposed to go however.

The tutorial videos helped quite a bit. I was able to gain an better understanding of some of the aspects of Second Life, but at the same time I feel as though some of the videos were insulting my intelligence.  Granted I am a beginner and don’t know alot about second life yet, but I think I know that “sit” will make my avatar sit down. The profile video helped quite a bit as well.

I am really looking forward to modeling in this class. I would like to gain a good understanding of modeling and animation because I enjoy Maya alot and my major is Digital Art.

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