Archive for September, 2009


Sunday, September 27th, 2009

There are many things that are considered Academic dishonesty that many people don’t even realize. For example, having someone read over your paper and reword a sentence or two is academic dishonesty. Using a quote and not siteing your source is acadmeic dishonesty. They even have websites where you can go and purchase essays which is also another form of academic dishonesty.  These among many other ways that you can comit academic dishonesty and not even know it. In doing so may result in a failing grade on the essay, or in the class, Sespended or expelled from the class along with other various penalties.

9-9-09 re-post to the right blog

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

In revising my essay I with read my essay aloud to myself. I have done this before with many papers and stories I have written but have not realized that it was a revising strategy. I have found that it does in fact help me to find sentences that are unclear or could be worded better. It helps me to find things that sound like they just don’t fit. I feel that it helps me to hear and see it like that reader or listener would.

9/16 reader response

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

In the video, Growing Up Online, there was an introduction type of scene explaining just exactly what the video was about, the different sides and opinions people may have on this issue and a few things to think about on the issue. Things such as the bed things that could result of children and teenagers being so involved in the growth and advancement of the internet. Then in the video takes a stand and stated what side of the arguement they were going to take. Then supported it with a few interviews from people. The people they interviewed were young people who used the internet for various different reasons but all for reasons that they would consider themselfs to be helpful. For example Autumn edows used the internet to find a place to “be herself”. Another girl used the internet to vent and deal with an eating disorder. They also used some statistics and facts on how often and for what reasons children and teenagers used the internet. The video had various counterarguments throughout the video. Some were teachers saying that new technology and the internet helps them teach the students better.

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