GSW1110 Aug 28th

Writing is one of the most important elements known to life. It is, as well as language, what helps make this world what is it is today. It plays a huge factor in communication and without communication we would not know what we know today about life, the world and beyond. And without writing and communication it would not be possible to advance any further.

I would share the same opinion and idea with you as I would anyone else. Writing is like language that is not being verbalized, but in a way writing is verbalized all over the world each and every day. It is in the newspaper you read, the shows you watch on television, and even the clothes you wear. Writing is everywhere and plays just as big a roll as breathing does in life.

Writing is important because without it you would not be able to read your favorite story, or watch your favorite television show. Without writing going to McDonald’s and ordering your happy meal would be a bit more difficult. It is like talking, but on paper.

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