VCT4600 Project 2 Blog

For this project, I’ve decided to create a poster for the book “The Little Prince.”  It’s a story of a little boy from a small planet that travels  to different planets to learn about life and love.  I’ve read the book more times than I can count & have seen the movie as well, but I still did some research into the book’s themes, symbols, and motifs.  This is some things that I’ve come across during my research:

The Stars

As a pilot, the narrator attaches importance to stars because he depends upon them for navigation. After the narrator meets the little prince, he finds the stars hold new meaning for him because he knows that the prince lives among them. The stars in The Little Prince also symbolize the far-off mystery of the heavens, the immensity of the universe, and at the end, the loneliness of the narrator’s life. The narrator’s final drawing, which accompanies his lament of his loneliness, is of a single star hovering over the desert landscape in which the prince fell. In this one image, the presence of the star both highlights the prince’s absence and suggests his lingering presence. The star is also a reminder of the large and densely populated universe beyond Earth that the prince recounted visiting.


The backstory tells how Little Prince left his planet because he had grown disenchanted with his rose; she was boastful and did not seem to appreciate all he did for her. On his journey, though, The Little Prince encountered a number of small planets, each with a single inhabitant who represented some negative aspect of human nature: pride, greed, desire for power. When a self-important geographer told him that his rose was ephemeral — subject to quick disappearance — he experienced some regret about leaving his planet behind.


The characters that I chose to portray on the poster were chosen for very specific reasons.

The rose, though not a main character, is one of the most important.  It is the Little Prince’s love for his rose that makes him want to explore as well as get back to his planet.

The fox is another important character in the book.  He is the one that teaches the Prince the most important lessons: responsibility, relationships, using your heart and understanding that the most important things in life aren’t visible or tangible.

The snake is the most conniving character, but is the only one of the characters from Earth that offers the Prince a way home.

And finally the plane is meant to represent the narrator, an adult pilot that gets lost in the desert & befriends the Prince.  Both the Prince and the narrator learn from and teach each other.

So here are the images that I’m going to work with for my poster:

Here are the thumbnails that I’ve come up with:

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