IPC 205 Intro

Hey everyone the name is Austin Griffith. I’m a junior majoring in sports management with a specialization in enterprise. I’m from Bucyrus, OH and love the college life. Pretty simple guy, keep to myself. That’s pretty much sums me up.

5 thoughts on “IPC 205 Intro

  1. anarbsm
    12:37 pm - 1-21-2009

    Hi Austin!

  2. erineo
    8:00 pm - 1-26-2009

    Hey! Glad you’re in my group!

  3. ahuffma
    8:07 pm - 1-26-2009

    What is this specialization in enterprise? Ive never herd of that before.

  4. jwitten
    8:08 pm - 1-26-2009

    Hey Austin, I’m from Attica. Obviously thats only like fifteen or twenty minutes from your hometown. How exciting!

  5. ecohen
    12:15 am - 1-28-2009

    hey there! we have the same major at the moment but im changing it to vct..I love sports but cant handle the major right now. your from bucyrus that means he must be a big buckeye fan huh?

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