Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized

For the two pre-writing activities, I did the audience awareness sheet and I used microsoft word to list my main points and list my thesis and all of my supporting ideas.

For the audience awareness sheet, I didn’t see it to be that much of a help but I haven’t fully completed the back. I found it a little more difficult because I still wasn’t sure of the final thesis that I was going to use but once I was able to figure that out, I didn’t have any difficulty.

My other activity was listing the main points. This is the normal approach that I take to write a paper so I find it very useful. It helps to organize my thoughts and when I write my rough draft, all of my thoughts are in order and I’m able to move swiftly through each part of the paper. I think the next time I may try the tree to see if it helps to organize my thoughts just as easily.

One thought on “

  1. Heather McIntyre
    8:40 am - 9-3-2009

    Sometimes the audience awarenes sheet is more helpful than others. It definitely has it’s limitations, though. Nice analysis of its usefulness!

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