Archive for November, 2009

Monday, November 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

I think that the support in the essay out of our SMG was awesome. I felt that the writer had all of the aspects in order to address the problem. He had his own ideas, along with those from the positive aspect and the negative aspect which allowed him to fully solve the issue and address his ideas. I thought that there could have been a little more detail – not just with interviews but overall I thought it was a pretty great essay.

Monday, November 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

If your group’s Zombie Plan from today was presented to the student body, do you think it would have convinced people to follow it? Why or why not?

I don’t think our plan was fully thought out enough – we did not think about difficulties with the plane and the weight of the carry-on items that we would need. And the difficulties of flying with good weather would also wither our plan down.

Monday, November 2nd, 2009 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Look at the world around you (at either the local, state, national, or global level).  What is a problem that you are interseted in solvng?  Why is it important to solve it?  How might people do so?

I would be interested in solving something with the issues of roommates within BGSU and dealing with privacy. I think it is important because without your own privacy, it makes it difficult to go on with daily living when you live with someone else who does not hold privacy at the same level that you do. I think that having specific agreements would help among the two.

(I plan on finding a better topic, I’m still in the process of searching right now.)