Monday, October 5th, 2009 | Uncategorized

What is a trend that interests you? What are some possible causes of it? Which of these causes do you believe is the main one?

I think the trend to tan in tanning booths is interesting because it was not like this 10 years ago. I think that the minds of the teenagers today think much differently than previously before which has made them think that they must tan to fit in. I think that society has put such a focus on looks and appearance now that it is causing teens and adults to risk the chance of skin cancer in order to have the appearance that they want.

One thought on “

  1. Heather McIntyre
    9:43 am - 10-8-2009

    Tanning is definitely an issue that concerns BGSU students, and it does seem like more and more people are using tanning booths each year. You’ll probably want to check online for stastics showing the increase in tanning over the last couple of decades. Also, I believe that the BG paper had an Oct. 1 article on how students can now use their BG Bucks at several locations across town…including a tanning place. You might want to see if you can track down a copy of that paper. The tanning place was mentioned in a side blurb off the main article.

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