ADA Scavenger Hunt

October 19th, 2010

Positive Examples of Design Inclusion:
1. Handicap bathrooms in buildings
2. Handicap parking in parking lots all around campus
3. Elevators in buildings
4. Adaptive climbing at the Rock Wall
5. Handicap access to Andrews Pool
6. Handicap shower areas in the SRC locker room
7. Academic assistance in every class for those who may suffer with learning disorders and difficulty with school work
8. Ramps for those in wheelchairs to have access to buildings
9. Free bus shuttle around campus for those who may be injured
10. Braille
Negative Examples of Design Inclusion:
1. Classrooms with limited availability for wheelchair space/desk space
2. On campus living is limited with open doorway space, room space and maneuverability throughout buildings (narrow hallways in Mac)
3. Limited areas for handicap recreation in the SRC (Andrews pool and the rock wall but only on special rental $$)
4. Buildings lacking ramps and doors in easily accessible areas (BA building has one door area with no stairs located in back of the building)
5. Computer labs with areas that are hard to access if in a wheelchair
6. On campus living laundry rooms are difficult for maneuverability and loading/unloading clothes
7. Limited amount of elevators in buildings and can be inconvenient to access
8. Some buildings have narrow hallways which can make travel difficult during heavy traffic times of the day
It was more difficult to find flaws in design inclusion around BG’s campus. I attribute this to the fact that the university not only legally must do its best to provide for everyone, but also because by doing this it improves the image of the university. If the campus did not abide by the ADA requirements they could potentially face severe legal action as discussed in class. It saves them money in the long run also. Instead of having to go back and redesign a facility they just add the ADA features during the design process saving a lot of hassle and lawsuits in the long run.
BGSU’s ADA standards:

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