Filed Under (Uncategorized) by adkenne on 15-01-2009

Can 7 degrees Fahrenheit really be a high?  According to weather.com, it can be, because the weather forecast for Bowling Green, OH today says that currently it is 3 degrees (but with the windchill feels like -12) with a high of 7 degrees.  Brr…  I like living in Bowling Green.  It is a great little town.  And being a part of the university is great.  But I gotta say… I am not a fan of these NW Ohio winters.

This is my third winter here, and is it my imagination or is it getting colder and snowier?  My friends tell me no…  Maybe I am like that woman that forgets the pain of child birth between pregnancies.  Spring, Summer (and even Fall!) are so nice here that it melts away the painful memories of the cold, miserable winter.

Who knows, maybe I’ll grow used to it…  But being that I was born in Hawaii, and grew up in Virginia Beach…I think growing used it it will take a looong time.