February 23rd, 2009 by kowalsa

Should be informative, have a clear message/statement, eye catching (not necessarily funny), relatively short, effective, appropriate use of medium, applies to audience, accurate inclusion of a technology medium

February 22nd, 2009 by kowalsa

1. The message for my first idea would focus on the problems that can occur do to irresponsible use of technology. One idea would be to have a person driving while texting and showing a fake automobile accident since that is what may be most common with our generation. This would apply to everyone who texts but mainly people who are old enough to drive. The medium would be visiual.

2. The second message would be to highlight the effects of communicating techonology on teens’ abilities to communicate articulately and effectively. The medium would be visual. The scene would show a high school or college student at a job interview using text or “AIM talk” when answering questions in the interview.

3.The third message I would like to communicate would be how it is possible to do almost anything from your own home as long as you own a computer. It would be a visual medium and would show someone growing old as they use they computer to get a degree, a job, and live their life from their computer.

February 18th, 2009 by kowalsa

Technology is bittersweet luxury that our society takes for granted all too often. Like most people identified in their literacy many technologies our generation uses are: computers/internet (AIM, Facebook, email, Microsoft), cell phones (texting, and pictures; rarely talking it seems), television, automobiles and billboards. Multi-million dollar contracts are negotiated on laptops by businessmen flying home to see their wives. Technology also offers a threat to many people as computers and cell phones share important personal information about people that could be hurtful to them if it fell into the wrong hands. Although technology is not free, there are still ways to get it for free: libraries, university computer labs, starbucks. Where will it stop?

February 16th, 2009 by kowalsa

I have had experience with peer workshops in high school as well as English 111 & 112. I am not always a fan of group work of peer review because in many cases I feel that my classmates are not as skilled of a writer as I am and do not know everything that they should be looking for when critiquing a paper. I am however a big fan of reading other peoples papers. I like seeing various styles of writing as well as how people can take multiple avenues to the same assignment. I suppose as the saying goes, “Two sets of eyes are better than one.” So it is possible that my classmates can provide relevant feedback; but I prefer to see a professor or utilize resources on campus such as the writing center!

February 9th, 2009 by kowalsa

The author is able to provide multiple perspectives in their story

It should be written from the perspective of the author, not the author telling the story from someone else’s perspective

Narrative has multiple characters

Includes specific sensory details

Thesis should be first or last sentence of opening paragraph

Precise detail

May include dialogue

February 6th, 2009 by kowalsa

1. The ideal reader for my first topic will be any new or returning student who is uneducated or has proconceived notions about fraternity life on a college campus. They would bring a naive mind and the questions that would be pertinant to writing an essay on this topic.

2.The ideal reader for my second topic will be anyone that is currently attending a boarding high school. I could see about sending this essay back to my high school so that students would be better informed before coming to college. Kind of like a user’s guide to college. They would be looking at college as a totally  new experience when there are many similarities. They may also feel that they have college totally figured out when there are also many differences.

3. The third topic will benefit anyone who is attending college or will be attending college. This would allow current and prospective students to communicate with one another and alleviate problems that they are currently having or will have in the future.

4 & 5. My fourth/fifth topic will benefit me the most as a reader/writer. I will make this reading available to those who currently have careers that I aspire to attain. By letting them see the questions and thoughts that I have, I will be able to have them answer these questions so that I can get ahead on my career search.

February 6th, 2009 by kowalsa

I feel that given the average person he/she could have a multitude of stories to write about that could be classified as a narrative. Given the travels and experiences I have had throughout my life so far, her are the 5 possible topics:

What fraternity life is like: I have experienced college as a non-greek and greek student. It would be beneficial for students to know both sides so that preconcieved notions will be alleviated.

The similarities and differences between living at a boarding school and living at college: While this may not apply to my classmates as most attended a regular high school, it will allow them to see the experiences I’ve had.

The challenges that college has brought: This I feel could be a common topic for most students but could have a wide variety of subtopics that students could write about so that it is not the same paper written by 17 students (or however many we have in our class)

What I am looking forward to after college: Now that I am a Junior in my second semester, it is time for me to start thinking about life in the “real world.”

How my major has impacted my life choices: Given my major I have tried to make choices that would allow me to have the most experience when I leave college and start a career.

February 4th, 2009 by kowalsa

A narrative is a any fictional writing method in which the author conveys a message directly to the reader. It is a story that can be illustrated through a variety of formats (poetry, prose, story, images, songs, theatre or dance.) The story is told in the first person which enhances the author’s ability to captivate the audience. I know I wrote one in English 111 & 112 but I dont remember what it was about.

January 30th, 2009 by kowalsa

After conveying my project ideas to my group I will now be able to hone in on the exact message that I am trying to express to my viewers. I am going to be using a theme similar to the iPOD logo. My literacies will be displayed through a picture and the text will be superimposed onto the picture. Each one of my literacies will be labeled as iTEXT, iWORK, iREAD…etc. Seeing as I am using the iPOD theme my group members suggested that my color and music scheme reflect that of the iPOD commercials.

My group members were also concerned with my idea for how I plan to illustrate my various literacies. My plan is to take a picture of me conducting my literacy with the title on each page (i.e iTEXT when I am texting). I want to use as little text as possible, but they urge me that it may be hard to capture the total essence of my literacy without adding more text to elaborate on the image. It is important that the viewer be able to understand the message of the author. I know I understand what my literacy means…but that doesn’t mean that the reader understands it as well.

They also urged me to make sure that I have appropriate closure to my literacies. It is important that the thesis or statement not be left open ended. The reader always enjoys closure…just like in a movie.

January 30th, 2009 by kowalsa

For my visual narrative I will be constructing a powerpoint that through use of minimal text, will elaborately explain the literacies most prevalant in my life. The powerpoint will be themed and will be set as a movie so that as soon as the attachment is opened it will start playing

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