Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Friday, April 24th, 2009

I feel that the blogs during the semester have been more beneficial for critiquing writing and establishing criteria for our literacy assignments as opposed to being used as blogs are typically used by social norms. I am more of a secretive person; therefore I would be more prone to write in a cool little leather book with a clasp which contains the inner most thoughts and secrets of my day to day life. I am not too comfortable posting my life on the internet…(then why do I have Facebook?)

Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

1. Are all aspects of your resume encorporated in this assignment?

2. Has an introduction been given for each project?

3. Did you use original or revised editions of your assignment?

4. Can the viewer derive your literacies from your project descriptions?

5. Are the links provided all functional?

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Just as in any case where something is revised, it allows the author to rethink a particular argument or point that they were trying to convey. Revising or revisiting a document allows the reader to focus on a centralized topic for revision which will enhance the goal or message of the author. By revisiting my resume it has allowed me to pinpoint the areas which are unclear or could benefit from further explanation.

Friday, April 17th, 2009

1. I am going to use the resume that I “created” for class. It was modified to show that I have graduated so I will make the necessary corrections do demonstrate my actual jobs and abilities.


2. I will create a website using Google Cites. Creating a website will allow me to have the most creativity and freedom to create a unique website tailored to my resume. (There was much usage of the word “create” in that answer.)


3. I will specifically include in depth information about my extra-curricular activities so that employers and viewers may gain a deeper understanding of my invovlement and leadership abilities.


4. see above


5. It will show my strengths that would make me a viable candidate for any job description relating to Higher Education and Student Affairs.


6.  None


7. I would like to create each section of my resume by the beginning of each class meeting.

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

It has been noticeable that “literacy” has been the theme of this writing class throughout the semester. Untill taking this class, I never actually considered how each of my daily tasks could be its own literacy. I dont know that this class has changed my view of my literacies, or that my literacies have changed my view of this class. Rather I feel like this class has presented me with new writing styles and techniques which could enhance my literacies on a daily basis.

Monday, April 13th, 2009

I would prefer that when readers visit my blog site that they be directed to a general page which gives options for all the different projects that I have completed in this class. This page will also have a link to my blog where they can read my thoughts from throughout the semester. I would want to include either a podcast or video to introduce myself.  I would want each page to have the project description as well as my completed project.

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

I will make simple structure or grammar corrections to both my resume and cover letter. I feel that both documents are pretty strong as this currect school year has required me to rip apart my resume and cover letter and reassemble them through the various courses I have taken this year.

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Now that I have found who I am supposed to address my cover letter to, I am completely done with this assignment. Resumes and cover letters are something that I am skilled in writing. This assignment was a piece of cake…..

I must be butter cuz I’m on a roll!!!!

Monday, April 6th, 2009

The job that I am seeking is a Major Gift Officer/Assistant Director of Development at Penn State University. The job requires that the MGO be able to implement programs which allow Alumni and other business owners the opportunity to see how the school is growing. The MGO then seeks an avenue to try and relate the direction of the school to the alumni or business and makes the “Ask” for a donation or gift of funds to the university. A certain degree of education and fundraising is required to acquire this position. I will be working an internship this summer within Athletic Development here at BGSU which will allow me to get my name out there with administrators; to establish contacts and resources for the future.

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

Resumes allow people to display their accomplishments and previous experiences to others when they are seeking a job or internship. Resumes must be professional and contain only pertinant information about the person applying for the position or award. They should include the person’s educational experiences, relevant work experiences, skills and abilities, and contact information.

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