Reflective Introduction

                Good day, my name is Adam Kowalski and I am a junior at The Bowling Green State University, majoring in Human Development and Family Studies. This portfolio is comprised of the various assignments and blogs composed in the English 207: Exploring Multiple Literacies, class that I survived this semester. This class explores literacies and their uses; particularly how literacy can be associated with technology. Technology is constantly changing; thus changing the way we communicate. Different forms of technology can constitute their own literacies. This class allowed me to explore various forms of literacy including, creating a Public Service Announcement, analyzing  a PSA through Rhetorical Analysis, Literacy Narrative, and Visual Narrative, which allowed me to analyze the literacies I use on a day-to-day basis. I also explored my professional literacy through creating a resume and cover letter. I then applied technology to my professional literacy through creating a Visual CV which is a digital, interactive resume which allows employers to gain a better understanding of their potential employees.

                The goals of the portfolio are to encourage rather than force, readers to accept responsibility for their work, take responsibility for fulfilling requirements, reflect and self-evaluate, and finally to keep track of everything that was created over the semester. This portfolio has allowed me to grow as a student; teaching me the value of organization and using analytical skills in my daily life. I have grown to understand how I use literacies in my daily life and how I can apply them to my personal and professional style of living and behaving.

                Throughout the semester I have grown to understand that literacy is not simply defined as, “the ability to read and write.” Literacy is much more than being able to read a book or write a story. Literacy could be daily activities that are a repetitive factor in someone’s life. We can define who we are based on the different types of literacies we practice.

                Throughout this semester I have grown as a writer through understanding my personal and professional literacies as well as benefitting from the help of peer review. During each project we took a class period to review each other’s projects and offer constructive criticism based on our understanding of the assignment.

                I invite you to read along with my classmates and see what we have been creating during the semester; which is represented in this portfolio. Before you start, think about your current definition of literacy and what you think your literacies are. Then as you read, think about the literacies that you use in your daily life and how your life might be different or how it is influenced because of those literacies.

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