1. I am going to use the resume that I “created” for class. It was modified to show that I have graduated so I will make the necessary corrections do demonstrate my actual jobs and abilities.


2. I will create a website using Google Cites. Creating a website will allow me to have the most creativity and freedom to create a unique website tailored to my resume. (There was much usage of the word “create” in that answer.)


3. I will specifically include in depth information about my extra-curricular activities so that employers and viewers may gain a deeper understanding of my invovlement and leadership abilities.


4. see above


5. It will show my strengths that would make me a viable candidate for any job description relating to Higher Education and Student Affairs.


6.  None


7. I would like to create each section of my resume by the beginning of each class meeting.

One thought on “

  1. bcottri
    8:43 am - 4-18-2009

    This sounds great! I think you seem to have a good idea of what you want to do. I’m glad you’re going to revise your resume a bit. I think you’ll find Google Sites as a good program to work with. I look forward to seeing your project. Let me know if you have any questions.

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