It has been noticeable that “literacy” has been the theme of this writing class throughout the semester. Untill taking this class, I never actually considered how each of my daily tasks could be its own literacy. I dont know that this class has changed my view of my literacies, or that my literacies have changed my view of this class. Rather I feel like this class has presented me with new writing styles and techniques which could enhance my literacies on a daily basis.

2 thoughts on “

  1. snye
    4:09 pm - 4-15-2009

    I feel the same way. We have learned a lot of literacy types of things that relate to our own everyday lives, and I do not feel as well that this class has changed my view of literacy but I learned a lot more of what it is rather than just hearing the word and briefly knowing what it is.

  2. mfick
    10:15 am - 4-17-2009

    I have to agree with both of you. I feel as though this class expanded my ability to recognize and create literacy. My views haven’t changed, just become more in depth.

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