I was particularly fond of the feedback that I received due to the fact that it was all positive. However because my draft was not complete and I feel like many students do not fully understand what a Rhetorical Analysis truly is; I am leery. I feel as though I am on the right track with my analysis but we have really not seen too many examples of what it is we are supposed to be doing.

During today’s class I am going to: research what a rhetorical analysis is, find sources to support my analysis and the original author’s intended meaning, and continue to develop my paper.

2 thoughts on “

  1. ncantre
    10:05 am - 3-27-2009

    I completely agree with you that this essay is a intemidating because it is not like most essays that I have ever written. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.

  2. bcottri
    10:55 am - 3-29-2009

    I’m sorry you still don’t feel like you know what a rhetorical analysis should be doing. I wish you would have talked to me/emailed me your draft/come to office hours. Also, remember that in missing class you miss important discussions (including looking at samples). Let me know if there is anything I can help you with before this is due tomorrow.

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