WHAT IS A RHETORICAL ANALYSIS!!! How can you write an analysis without making it sound like a summary? I am struggling with writing this while still adhearing to the criteria. I feel like what my understanding of the assignment is not what the assignment is actually supposed to be. Thus my essay is not complete. My thesis also “doesnt clearly connect to my PSA” but it is about my PSA so I am not really sure what to do about that situation.

One thought on “

  1. Brittany
    12:58 pm - 3-25-2009

    I sense some frustration in your tone. I know you came up an we talked about my comment on your thesis, but I wish you’d have talked to me more about your essay to this point. Have you looked over the power points I put on course blog (linked above)? Also, think about the samples you’ve read to this point. Why didn’t they seem like summaries? How might you emulate the analysis activities that you’ve read to this point?

    Why don’t you email me so we can set up a time to meet to talk about this assignment.

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