I feel that a computer, laptop, electronic learning device, whatever you like to call it is important to have as a college student. Having the ability to access credible information in a short period of time has benefitted college students all over the world. Computers also allow people to produce papers and take notes much faster than if they were to do so by hand. Computers do come with some setbacks just as any new media device does; computers can be distracting (i.e, AIM, Facebook, the internet) and can cause problems such as losing documents and not functioning properly.

Dear Grandpa,
         I would like to tell you about why I need a computer for college. When I was in grade school each classroom only had two computers split between 25 students. When it was time to write a paper I had to wait my turn for a 40minute shift on the computer which is not enough time to conduct adequate research. We also didnt have a computer at home which forced me to go to the library if I needed access to external research or a word processor. I know things were different for you growing up, and no disrespect but using textbooks and encyclopedias are very tedius to use when researching a topic. The internet allows for much faster research from multiple sources in a short period of time which will imrove the quality of my work.

2 thoughts on “

  1. tctoney
    11:02 am - 2-25-2009

    I completely agree in that computer are useful in education. I like how when adressing your specific audience, because you had your “grandpa”, you wrote your argument as a letter. The letter makes your arguement much more personal and I think makes it stronger.

  2. bcottri
    4:17 pm - 2-25-2009

    I agree with Talor. I like how you chose to write this in letter form and that you focused your argument by trying to convince your grandpa that you need a computer. Nice job.

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