Technology is bittersweet luxury that our society takes for granted all too often. Like most people identified in their literacy many technologies our generation uses are: computers/internet (AIM, Facebook, email, Microsoft), cell phones (texting, and pictures; rarely talking it seems), television, automobiles and billboards. Multi-million dollar contracts are negotiated on laptops by businessmen flying home to see their wives. Technology also offers a threat to many people as computers and cell phones share important personal information about people that could be hurtful to them if it fell into the wrong hands. Although technology is not free, there are still ways to get it for free: libraries, university computer labs, starbucks. Where will it stop?

One thought on “

  1. jilians
    10:50 am - 2-18-2009

    Your post about technology is really interesting. I especially like your choice of words as technology being a “bittersweet luxury.” I hadn’t considered the threat of identity theft or anything like that when I’d considered the consequences of technology; that’s a really good point that I think people often overlook. I’m not sure how to answer your final question of when the spread of technology will stop. I don’t think technology’s reach will ever stop. Your post was really interesting; good job!

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