I feel that given the average person he/she could have a multitude of stories to write about that could be classified as a narrative. Given the travels and experiences I have had throughout my life so far, her are the 5 possible topics:

What fraternity life is like: I have experienced college as a non-greek and greek student. It would be beneficial for students to know both sides so that preconcieved notions will be alleviated.

The similarities and differences between living at a boarding school and living at college: While this may not apply to my classmates as most attended a regular high school, it will allow them to see the experiences I’ve had.

The challenges that college has brought: This I feel could be a common topic for most students but could have a wide variety of subtopics that students could write about so that it is not the same paper written by 17 students (or however many we have in our class)

What I am looking forward to after college: Now that I am a Junior in my second semester, it is time for me to start thinking about life in the “real world.”

How my major has impacted my life choices: Given my major I have tried to make choices that would allow me to have the most experience when I leave college and start a career.

One thought on “

  1. bcottri
    8:09 pm - 2-8-2009

    Each of these topics are interesting, Adam, and you’re right to point out that there are topics here that some of your readers might now know about. However, remember that you will want to work on narrowing your topic down once you pick one of these five. Think about what about your time as a Greek has informed your literacy development? Or, what about this time in your life (as an almost senior in college) is influencing your literacy? And, what will your reader learn about you and your literacy from your narrative?

    Nice work.

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