
People use visuals to match the thoughts and images within their minds, to something concrete that can be analyzed and used as a comparison. Visuals allow authors to interpret the image in their own unique, individual perspective.

Visuals play a vital role in communication. If someone is trying to market a product, it is much easier for the consumer to grasp the use and practicality of the product. There is a monumental difference between a commercial that is advertised on television and on the radio. Also, people may function more with visuals than they do with words. So if it is hard for someone to convey their opinion through vocabulary; it may be easier for them to capture the understanding of the viewer through visual images.

Visuals play an important role in my education. While I have no problem grasping the context of vocabulary, it am able to comprehend and retain information more efficiently if I have a comparative visual to go along with the literature.

One thought on “1/23

  1. robharr
    7:10 pm - 1-27-2009

    Hey Adam it’s Rob. You really covered some major issues with the importance of visuals. I like how you talked about the big difference with advertising. It is true that selling most products is easily done on TV rather than the radio. I also agree that for some people it may be hard for them to really express their opinion verbally, so by using a simple hand gesture or image they will be percieved the way they intended. In addition, I liked how you didn’t just say comprehend information but also that you added retain. I think that visuals help out a great deal when people are trying to recall information. Instead of trying to think of specific words or titles associated to the topic they can think back to the image that was shown to them and remember the details.

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