
1. I expect to further enhance my writing skills from what I learned in Eng111 and 112. Many college classes require students to be able to write efficiently and effectively; mastering the ability to explain main points of information in a precise manner. No “fluff.” Some teachers require page limits on assignments; while this may seem grueling to some, it discourages others from maintaining their style of writing; causing them to insert “filler” or “fluff” to enhance the length of their paper. I want to improve my ability to state my point in a concise manner; regardless of page number.

2. Literacy is the ability to write what the mouth wants to speak and the brain is trying to yell out. It is not the inability for the mouth to utter sounds; but rather the brains commands to send our craziest thoughts from head through our arms, to our fingers and onto paper in the most beautiful pattern of words and phrases.

3. We write to express ourselves. We write because of that little voice inside screams to be heard. Whether we like to write or not we need to be heard. Some people enjoy writing, some people don’t. Sometimes we write because we have no choice and it is for a grade. Sometimes we write bcs we r in a hurry or we r txtn on our cell phones n its shorter to talk this way. This type of writing is the reason so many young people are finding English classes to be increasingly difficult. Hopefully…we write for the right reasons.

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