Amanda’s Blog!
Another amazing bgsu blog
Second Life Problems
Posted on November 20th, 2008 at 12:49 am by and

Today I walked to the music building for class.  However, when I got there I was told that class was cancelled.  I still went on to sign on to Second Life anyways, since I’m sure we were still supposed to get on.  However, the Second Life program would not let me sign on nor would it let anyone else in the class.  I waited for a while for it to load, but nothing happened.  This same thing happened to me the last class.  It took about 25 minutes just for the program to start up.  Perhaps Second Life is experiencing some technical difficulties that it needs to work on.  With these continuous problems it is going to be hard for our group to finish the project.  We have done a lot so far, but some finishing still needs to be completed.  Chapter 9 is the last chapter in the Second Life book to be read, and blogged about.  I am very happy about that although I have found that many of the chapters in the Second Life book were not that bad to read.

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