Amanda’s Blog!
Another amazing bgsu blog
My friends reactions
Posted on October 16th, 2008 at 10:56 pm by and

Last night, my two friends and I went to the computer lab to do some homework.  I have talked about secondlife to them before, but they still didn’t understand what it was.  So I logged on and let them navigate my avatar around and do whatever they pleased.  I have to teach them a couple of things such as where to type in places to go, how to actually teleport and how to talk to other people who IM you.  At first they thought it was just a computer game and couldn’t believe that I had a class that was just centered around it, but after a while I couldn’t get them away from the screen.  They were fascinated with it and one of my friends even said that she wanted to create an account!  They went into a dance club and the owner was talking to them and telling them that they needed to be wearing clothes, since they took off my avatars clothes because they wanted her to wear something else, but didn’t bother putting them on until they got in the club.  They ignored the girl and got booted from the place.  I told them they need to pay attention to the conversations at the bottom of the screen to see if anyone is talking to them.  They finally put clothes on her and went into another club where they proceeded to make friends with someone.  In the end, I thought it was really funny how they first reacted to secondlife, as opposed to how much they liked it when we left the lab.

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