6790 Draft Methods

Chapter III Research Methodology


The research study will focus upon the use of collaborative media systems such as wiki’s and intranets within the corporate environment. The primary area of interest is upon the editing capabilities that such a system has the ability to represent and whether or not such systems are used to their full potential or are disregarded. Comparisons will be drawn between wiki’s used in corporate systems and those that are open to the public, such as Wikipedia. Primary focus is upon what differences, if any, exist in how users edit documents between the two systems. Data analysis as provided by a case study will set the stage for determining the differences between usage patterns of the open vs. closed environments. An area of interest exists whether or not system users will edit company documents created by their superiors, and vice versa.



A case study will be performed upon a company that currently incorporates a wiki into their information systems. The data set will focus upon all users of the system, from managerial staff to the lowest-paid workers.


Study Procedure

A mixed methods approach will be taken for data analysis. Both surveys and interviews will be utilized to best decipher the affects of wiki use in the chosen company.


A survey, which will be based off the Likert model, will be sent to all employees that use the wiki via email to gauge their responses. In order to increase the percentage of returns, the survey will be ten questions or fewer in length. The questions will range from general demographic information to set a baseline on each user, then move on to the user’s usage patterns, comfort with the wiki, pressure to use the wiki, how the wiki is actually used in the company and engagement levels.


The Likert scale is considered to be one of the most common ways to administer surveys and offers enough flexibility for the purpose of this thesis. Care will be needed when crafting the questions so bias and/or extreme questions are not introduced.


At the end of the case study individual interviews with handpicked employees will also be utilized. Interviews will focus on the management staff and the top and bottom users. A wide perspective is wanted to best gauge usage patterns and office management choices that affect how the wiki is utilized in the company.  The interview process will give more individualistic and free-flowing data than could be gathered with the more strictly focused survey. Top users will be interviewed to get the perspective of someone who is a believer in the wiki system, and bottom users will also be questioned to attempt to understand the perspective of someone who uses the wiki simply because of workplace pressures.


Possible Survey Questions

How old are you?

  1. 20-29
  2. 30-39
  3. 40-49
  4. 50+


Position in the company:

  1. Management
  2. Production
  3. Marketing
  4. Other


How familiar are you with wiki’s?

  1. Very familiar
  2. Somewhat familiar
  3. Neither familiar nor unfamiliar
  4. Somewhat unfamiliar
  5. Very unfamiliar


How long have you used approximately wiki’s?

  1. 5 or more years
  2. 3 years
  3. 1 year
  4. 6 months
  5. Never


How often do you approximately check the wiki on a daily basis?

  1. 10 or more
  2. 5
  3. 2-3
  4. 1
  5. Never


How many times do you post content on the wiki during the week?

  1. 10 or more
  2. 5
  3. 2-3
  4. 1
  5. Never


What do you use the wiki for?

  1. Company news
  2. Project information
  3. Message board
  4. Other_______________________________

Most valuable usage of wiki:

  1. Keep up to date on company news
  2. Project information
  3. Message board
  4. Other_______________________________


Least valuable usage of wiki:

  1. Keep up to date on company news
  2. Project information
  3. Message board
  4. Other_______________________________


How often do you edit other people’s documents?

  1. All the time
  2. Part of the time
  3. Rarely
  4. Never


Do you edit those above your pay grade?

  1. All the time
  2. Part of the time
  3. Rarely
  4. Never



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