2nd Life and Education
September 18, 2010
This was the first week that our class met in Second Life for a class session. I have to say it was an interesting time to say the least and quite a bit more frustrating than just using Elluminate. I put together a few random things that came to mind while using it for our class session.
Anyone can use it (free)
Distance learning is a no brainer
No real time constraints to speak of
Those with disabilities are on a level playing field
Graphical interface lends itself to more interaction and exploration
No real language barrier (translators available)
Slow loading
High speed Internet needed
Graphics leave much to be desired
Slight learning curve
Can be confusing to do basic things such as sitting that are easy in real life
Dangerous to use as only classroom for young students (no social skills)
I think that in 15 years we’ll look back at 2nd Life and laugh. We’ll point our fingers and compare it to Pong (remember that?), which looks hopelessly crude given what we currently have. I don’t see virtual worlds going anywhere but up as the technology improves and it becomes easier to move and manipulate objects. This will only help to increase the user base.
I do wonder about the long-term social ramifications for virtual worlds. Yes, there might be virtual museums and airplanes to fly, but nothing right now can substitute for smelling the brackish air while on a boat or the feel of wind on your cheeks while driving a motorcycle. Until 2nd Life improves to the point of being the holodeck made famous on Star Trek it is a sorry representation of what we currently have out in the real world.