Week 2
We started getting online with the website! Exciting stuff actually! Finally got it synced with GoDaddy.com so the host site is all in order! This is going to be my main focus because i usually do not work with websites too often. Although currently i am enjoying it, so far!
As for the brochure, i have no touched it yet. That is actually the goal for this week. I plan to have at least 3 different versions created by the end of the week to present to the client so we can choose one and go from there!
Happy 3rd/4th of July everyone!
on July 6, 2011 at 1:12 pm
That is great that you are really challenging yourself with the website. Glad to hear you are off and running. Let us how it goes with the brochure versions – did your client pick the one that you thought they would?