Archive for July, 2011

End of the semester

The only thing that still needs to be completed is the website. There has been some trouble with just the HTML/CSS coding and I getting help with that. But other than that, the brochure is complete and the client loves it! 馃檪 This semester went by so fast! Thank you Laney for the great class!


Things are going well. The brochure is complete and ready for printing. As far as the website, its still under construction but will get completed even once the class is completed. I thought I would show what the brochure looks like. It is different than what I showed in the purposed and color schemes, but the client is pleased and so [鈥

Coming along

I have really started the process of putting together the template that my client ordered to the WordPress Site. And it is actually a little tricky to come to find! But im working through it and learning a lot about the process in itself! Which is always good! The brochures are almost done which is [鈥

Things are going.

I am currently finalizing up my designs to present to the client for the brochure. I will hopefully have them up within the next week. Other than that, the website seems to be going well! I have not had very many problems, so far! So lets keep our fingers crossed! The facebook page is gathering [鈥

Week 2

We started getting online with the website! Exciting stuff actually! Finally got it synced with so the host site is all in order! This is going to be my main focus because i usually do not work with websites too often. Although currently i am enjoying it, so far! As for the brochure, i [鈥