This week I have been doing a lot of work on The New Agrarian Center logo.
In the latest version, I have included all the elements that were suggested to me after my fist initial concept. Now, I am looking for the client to provide me with feedback and some edits. In my opinion, I feel like the foreground got a bit busy when I added all the vegetables that were suggested and while I like the sun rays in the background I don’t know if they are competing for attention with the foreground. I have also noticed that the colors look diffrent as a .jpg
Things I need to work on:
- Fix the wording in the circle so that the words are upright in a readable position and space them equidistant.
- Create a second a third version for use of the George Jones Farm and City Fresh CSA programs.
- Send to client for proofing.
- Find out if it’s possible to have a transparent background.
- Save files in the best format possible for future use.
After the logo is done, I will begin work on my next project, a poster for the Local Food Summit on March 10th. My client has expressed a need for this poster as soon as possible, so they can begin their marketing for this event.
As of now, I’m thinking I would like to use a limited color pallet for this poster (2 to 3 colors) and create a focal graphic that gives a screen printed band poster feel. However, I still have yet to begin work on the poster. I hope to begin designing by this weekend.
Something that I have noticed I need to do more of is connecting with my client. I need to stop trying to be perfect about everything and let her in on the process. I have been asking for input from those around me instead of the person who matters most, my client. However, it has been difficult getting in contact with her through e-mails. At this point, I’m not sure if she got my last two since she has not responded to me. However, I have gotten e-mails from her. If I don’t hear back from her by tomorrow morning I’m just going to have to give her a call. I should ask her, how she would prefer to stay in contact in the future and set up a Dropbox folder so she can view my latest edited versions whenever she would like, without needing an email from me.