This week has been pretty quite with my client. I don’t know if that is a good thing or something to be worried about. I’m feeling pretty out of the loop with things going on with the Local Food Summit. I did create a poster utilizing artwork from the new logo, however my client did not like that I somewhat deconstructed the logo to use as art work for the poster. She said that she would “prefer to keep the logo intact”. So I guess that means they are not going to use the second poster I created.
At this point I’m unsure of where I stand with all the work I have done on the poster for the Local Food Summit. I’m feeling like my client and people working with her are on different pages and everyone is asking for something from me and no one is making an effort to get me in the loop.
However, at this point, the logo is finally done and they are already putting it to use. I still have to “package” it and make it available to everyone who needs it. I am also looking into converting the color logo into a single color logo for screen printing purposes.