No Impact Man Author Visit.

Beavan, author of the book, No Impact Man came and spoke to the student body on October 26th. I thought the speech by Beavan was informative and enthusiastic. I could tell Beavan was very focused on helping the environment, and thinking of new ways to make America “Greener.” He did not really speak to much about experiences from his book, but rather about the environment in general, and ways we could help improve upon it. Coming in to this lecture, I was aware that more and more people are trying to make America a and I suppose earth in general a greener planet. I personally have not taken much interest in events relating to going green or recycling. I do recycle, and I do care about the environment, but I personaly never put much thought into what I myself can do to help better our planet, or more specifically state or city. After hearing Beavan speak, I realized there are many ways, even simple yet small ways that I myslef and anyone else could help our environment. I think with Beavans examples and metaphors, he really did a good job utilizing both to reach out to a college-aged audience in telling us what we can do, or hwo ot reach out to others in ways Beavan has. (Not as intensive as his book indicates of course) Listening to Beavan’s speech really made me think abouit the environment more, and how difficult and uncomfortable it would be living in an area with high pollution, and a polluted air. BEavan did a really nice job in letting us know, as individuals we can make a change, and we can make the environment better, even by the simplest of acts.
Based off of what we have learned in class, I can collaborate environmental necessities in planning and designing facilities with some points Beavan made in his lecture. I read that when planning or desiging a facility, the environment, and its surroundings can have a major impact in doing so. If the environment is clean and follows guidelines, planning for a new structure would be easier to build and not as many restricitions would have to be cleared. But like Beavan stated, if we continue to not care and be dependent on others to make our environment better, it would have an impact on everyone. If planning or designing for a facility has poor environmental areas and hazards risks, it makes it that much more difficult to complete a job. This would most liekly be the result of people simply not caring .The planning for a new facility would most likely to longer ot develop, and have multiple restrictions and guidelines to go through before an area may be deemed safe or clean for somethign specific to be built or designed. This would simply be able to be avoided if people did their own just a little, as beavan states, and it owuld be beneficial to all. Not only would having a clean environment be easier for designing and planning, but also would make for a more beautiful surrounding and more attractive for future customers.

About Robert Giermann

I am a senior at BGSU studying in recreation. I like sports, and doing anything sociable. Please read and enjoy my blogs!
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