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I am not sure what is going on, but I logged onto second life today and all the lindens that I had are gone and I haven’t the slightest idea where they went too.  At first I thought that maybe when we had to relocate to another location that somehow my lindens got taken away, but after talking with my other teammates I came to the conclusion that this is not the case.  The last time I logged on I had $625 lindens and my current balance says that I have zero.  I wonder if someone may have hacked into my second life and stole my lindens, but that doesn’t seem like a realistic story either.  If anyone knows what might have happened to my lindens I would appreciate it if you would let me know.

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Clothing Store

We are in the process of creating our clothing store.  It has been quite the process, however I am excited that I am catching on to making shirts.  We found a shirt template online and we used it to create shirt.  The shirts ive created so far are pretty simple, hopefully as I get more familiar with photoshop I will be able to make designs with more complex patterns.  Our store is just starting hopefully we will be able to make some money in real life with the work we are creating in second life. Wish us luck!

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Chapter 4

This chapter talks about a few key concepts.  First, the chapter discusses the way we choose to intergrate our virtual selves into the life.  People have the opportunity to create their world however they want.  They get to choose their physical characteristics, the way they look, speak, or act.  They also get to choose the places that they settle and the type of people that they interact with.  These are some aspects that set apart real life versus our second life.  We get to look around and see where we fit in and create our universe according to that.  In the second world if there is something unpleasing about a particular person, place, or thing you can delete it from your life by simply warping to another world or or leaving it behind.  We are under no obligation to live unhappy second lives which is in my opinon what draws so many people to it.  This was the most important thing that I pulled out of this chapter.  Trying to find where you fit in and building your life there.  With all the different cultures and worlds there are to offer there is a place for eveyone in second life.

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Technology thing

Technology is an ever changing thing in today’s society.  A technology that is recently new and has evoloved somewhat since they were first introduced is the ipod.  This technology has greatly influenced my life as well as the lives of millions of people around the world.  The MP3 player was first introduced and revolutionalized the way that music is listented to.  Apple introduced the ipod and music is now and will be forever changed.  As the technology increases the ipod has become more advanced.  The most recent version of the ipod is the ipod touch.  This is like a portable computer.  It holds music, pictures, videos, and even has accesses the internet.  This and much more can be obtained in just the palm of your hand.  To me this is an amazing technology that will only become more advanced with time.  What will they think of next?

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September 5 discussion

We had an in class discussion about secondlife today.  It sounds like the majority of the class agrees that secondlife is kind of weird and for the socially awkaward.  From my experience so far I would have to agree with the class.  Having been a secondlife user for a couple of weeks now I am having trouble finding the objective of the game.  It seems to me like a game, however the objective is still unclear.  In class we discussed that the objective was based around money which gives you power within the game.  Talking about this Radikah said that people have weddings and can get pregnant on secondlife.  This was so weird to me and just reaffirmed my belief that secondlife is for people who cannot seem to get what they want out their actual life.  I’m hoping that the more I use secondlife the more I will be able to understand what people see in the program.

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comments on Haley’s assignment


I thought it was cool that we could make our avatars after ourselves also.

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It’s Me

My name is Kacie and I am a senior here at BGSU.  I like hanging out with my friends and I love the beach.  For the most part I am an easy going go with the flow type of person.  

My second life name is Kacie Foxtrot.

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Hello world!

Welcome to blogs.bgsu.edu by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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