In class 9/9

September 9th, 2009 by pabrown

I plan on writing an outline of my essay before friday. I’m comfortable with outlines from when i preached so, I know how to use them well.

9/4 reader response

September 8th, 2009 by pabrown

After reading over my peer’r review and his notes plus re-reading my essay i realized there was a few things that i could edit to make my essay better. With the help of my peer’s review i realized that some of the things i wrote were not as clear as i would like them to be. I figure that i will rephrase a few of the sentences and change some of the words that i used. Some of the things were repetitive. I also realized that my essay did not flow very well. So i plan on rephrasing and restructuring my paragraphes to see if that helps out with the flow of my essay. I figure that doing those things will help strengthen my essay.

8/28 Reader Response

August 31st, 2009 by pabrown


-Negative events (Living in a shack for four years, Being blind)

-Positive outcomes

-All appreciate life

-Learned through living

A “This I Believe” essay is based on how a person has developed their own personal beliefs based on personally significant events in their life. I believe that the purposes of these essays are to learn from other people’s life lessons, without having to take the trip through life yourself. This allows one to be wiser and allows them to learn other lessons. These essays also show many different walks of life and experience events in life that many of us would never get to experience on regular terms. I think another goal of these essays are to better the quality of human life and the value of society.

Hello world!

August 28th, 2009 by pabrown

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!


August 28th, 2009 by pabrown

Writing is important because it allows us to communicate better and keep a record of what was said and when it was said. Stories, whether they be fictional or nonfictional, are an important thing we get from writing. I love to read a good story but I hate to write them.

I really feel that it is a necessary evil to learn to write well. As much as i dislike writing i do realize that it is an important and necessary part of life.

Writing is an important way to understand many different people and a way for many different people to understand you. Writing is a way to voice your opinion when your too meek to stand if front of a crowd. Writing is also a way to show your creativity and knowledge.

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