Grown as a Writer

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

I have reread my essay 1, wow, i have really changed how i write my papers. I feel I have really grown as a writer. For example, my counter arguments have improved greatly, and the flow and organization of my essays have greatly improved.

Improvements throughout the year

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

I feel I have improved a great deal with my writing skills over the semester. One example would be in my essay’s organization skills and in my transition sentences. Also I never used to use counter arguments now I see how important and effective they are.

unclear in essay 5

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

Throughout essay five I can see my self getting unclear while explaining why I feel the pictures are very strong in the composition. I plan on fixing these issues by researching about why pictures are important in children’s books.

Children’s book

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie: I really enjoyed reading this book as a child. This is one reason I chose to write my final essay on this book. I love everything about this book and I would give it a Newberry Award.

what part of the essay is easier to write

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

I feel I have improved on giving my essay great detail. I also feel it is a lot easier to organize my essay now.

smoothier transitions

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

I feel I could have used smoothier transitions with the statistics part. Also possibly, in the counter argument.

most effective main solution

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

My most effective solution consists of giving out immediate jail time to those who get caught drinking and driving. I feel this is the best solution because it would help prevent people from taking the risk of getting behind the wheel while being drunk.

Thesis for essay four

December 8th, 2009 by nnovits

Drinking while driving is a very serious problem throughout the United States and can be reduced by alcohol education, confiscating licenses, having designated drivers, but the most effective solution is giving immediate jail time.

new deal for teachers

November 10th, 2009 by nnovits

The author in this essay gives reasons to why urban school students are not getting a high quality education. He states teachers are the main cause of why students are not receiving a good education. He also gives solutions on how to have better teachers for the students.
In my essay I will also have many solutions to my argument. I will also give great detail in why I think one solution is the best. In this essay I would suggest to the author to not only talk about urban schools having bad teachers, but schools everywhere having under qualifying teachers.

Zombie Plan

October 29th, 2009 by nnovits

I think that many people would agree with my group’s solution to escaping the zombies on campus. My group came up with the idea to escape by going to live with the Cullen family in Fork, Washington. People may follow our ideas becasue the Cullen’s could defend us against the zombiesl. Also were their home is located zombies are more than likely to stay away because of the cold weather.

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