ncantre’s blog

Another amazing bgsu blog

Peer Review

I learned that I need to organize my essay better.  I also had a few gramtical errors.

1.  I need to use more examples

2.  Use intext citations

3.  Organize my essay better

PSA Activity

The PSA did not persuade me very well.  They tried to be very dramatic with the music and the actors seemed to be very stressed.  I did not really get the whole point of why you wouldnt want family or friends to see information or photos about yourself.   This was supposed to scare me about posting information online about myself and having strangers see it.  I just dont think that it got the point across and did not really show a serious enough consequence.  The text was good in  that it was easy to read, but


The reading was interesting because you should remember who it is you are talking to.  It is important to be consious of what topic you may be talking about depending on who your audience or reader may be.  When I do my Narrative I intend to reach a wide range of groups such as other students, faculty, and possibly parents.

5 Topics!!!

1.  Competing on the baseball team here at Bowling Green State University may have the biggest impact on the way I use literacys.  This is because I probably would not have gone to college with out a scholarship.  The university has taught me so much about life and responsibilities.  I beleive that this plays into literacy because I have had to learn how to effectively communicate with others in order stay in roled here at school.

2.  When I was younger my mother and father would always read a bok to me before bed.  I can remember laying awake at night wondering when I would be able to read my own book.  Ths inspired me to want to learn to read.  I believe this is why I like reading.

3.  My parents rewarded me for every ‘A’ I got on my grade card.  Although they normally gave me a gift, it was more of a reward to me to see how proud they were.  This made me strive to do the best I possibly could.

4.  My junior year of high school I was part of community program that helped underpriveleged kids read.  This helped me develop key communication skills with kids.  I believe that I got more out of that program than the kids that I was there to help did.

5.  Last year I visited a community center once a week here in Bowling Green.  It was mainly for senior citizens.  It had an impact on because I could see how much my lteracys were different from theres.  It made me realize that expereinces that we go through in life help develop the literacys that we have availible to us.