These last few days in class we have just been tryin to finish up our store. i think we decided to go with more of a furniture theme, rather then art and furniture. with all the problems we had. the art was to much to work with. The store is starting to turn out ok. i like the building we ended up with. Its split into muliple rooms so it made it easy to set up rooms as opposed to just random furniture around. the building had roof space as well so we added a patio and bar, to give the store something new, something different.I think if we would have had more time at a stable residence, we could have expanded a lot more. these last few days of class we just need to work on the final touches, and then the final paper!
one of the grad students taught class today. many students are concerned and confused on the final paper and the finals week assignment you talk about in your blog. The grad student went over the remainder of the book with us. It was interesting to hear some class mates opinions on Second Life and the concept of Virtual Reality. but everyone had good points. we also talked about whether or not the book helped us in our SL experience and why.
These two classes were on line. our group continued to work on the store. i wonder how do we advertise to other avatars that were open, when we do? we had some more problems. first our house kept getting deleted because we were apart of the group, then because we were on the wrong land. I think we finally have a building though that is in a safe location, it shouldnt disappear. we learned that another group in the class lost their building to. because of ownership restrictions, we know the feeling. Ive ran out of stuff to put into the building, that matches and such, so im continuing to look for more stuff to put into the store.
Today in class we decided it would be to hard to put the building back in the exact same place we had it. we finished getting our inventory out of the air and our going to try again, for like the 5th time. Its really frustrating because all the other groups have these nice projects, and we dont even have a building yet. we have our inventory. and the ideas and it just isnt working. it isnt because we arent trying, we just keep having problems. We decided to try a different building this time, a smaller one, that way if we loose it again, or it gets deleted, its not a huge a loss as last time.
today we met for class via second life. it was really hard to get anything done because our home computers are much slower then those on campus. in wednesdays class we got our building set, were happy with it and we started for the first time to see our shop unfold, but as we were leaving, the building got deleted and we dont know how. so all our stuff was left floating in the air! from home on friday we tried to bring the building back up but because the computer was so slow it was very hard to do, so we worked on putting the floating objects back into our inventory.
we have been working on our art and furniture store for a few weeks now. unfortunately we have had a few problems. the issue we are having now is that we have a business location. a decent sized area. but when we go to upload our items it says that ‘our parcel’ is to full, which meant we didn’t have space to upload our items, and the items we had already in the store werent adequate enough. we got another location but again when we go to put stuff in it says its to full. so now we have to work on findng stuff that will fit
We got the property to build our store. we all met and started moving stuff in. the problem running into is that a lot of the stuff i have had collected from freebie shops, I cant get to come out of inventory for some reason, some sort of “too full” sign comes up. ive been looking for more items while others build. its coming along nice.
I had joined a group “Quintessa Family Tree” In SL. THe last name I choose was Quintessa. Its a group of people go figure, with the last name QUnitessa. Someone sent out a wedding invitation through the group. THey were getting married. The invitation gave the time, place, date etc. ASked people to RSVP> … Interesting! I didnt attend!
I came across a homeless land today, interesting. It included tents, trailors, dumpsters, etc. Class exsist in SL as well? Why would you want to make yourself homeless or in that area if you need not be? You can pick in second life where you want to be
Our group is having some trouble with our project. for one we dont have a location. We are selling furniture and art. From the beginning we went and gathered freebie stuff but didnt realize that we couldnt just sell that stuff. To make art we need money and none of us have money (except one) to do that. i just feel like in class we are wasting our time. We dont have a building to use that we know where it is or how to get there. SL is still confusing to a lot of us which makes it hard to be interested and get things done. I know me personally i feel like the only thing i can do is walk around and grab freebie stuff, which in essence we cant even use for the shop. Without our building we cant do anything…road block? Also many of us cant access SL from our home computers, my computer doesnt support it. Class time is the only few minutes a week we can work on this
TOday we went into SL outside of class. An email was sent to us telling us that we need to learn and focus on makin money. I tried asking people in SL on ways. I havent learned how to make things yet and sell them but im working on it. I think making money is going to be the hardest part of this business.