Writers Blog 12/08

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

I feel that I have grown so much as a writer.  Much more than I would have ever imagined.  At the beginning of the year, I felt that this class was pointless and that i already knew how to set up a paper.  I realized just how much a really didn’t know when I tried to write my first essay.  The teacher helped me out so much with one on one time, and answer many question in class.  I am very happy with my progress because I now write my papers with more confidence and am more comfortable knowing that I have more knowledge on how to set up essays.

Writers Blog 12/03

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

I think I have improved the most in organization and supporting evidence.  I feel this way because in the first paper I wrote, I had no sense of organization.  Now if you look at my 4th and 5th essay, they are improved so much.  I think that evaluators are really going to notice a difference.

Writers Blog 12/01

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

Moments that I see myself being unclear is in my counter argument.  I feel this way because I am very set on my own opinion, that I feel there are no counter arguments.  I am going to work on this by really taking time to think about ways that people might think this opinion is wrong.  I will also get opinions from other people.

Writers Blog 11/24

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

The thing that frustrates me the most about this paper is trying to make it 4 pages.  It is also frustrating to make me point make sense.  What I mean by this is that it is hard to prove that a childrens book isn’t a good book.  They are not suppose to be complicated and have different variations of difficulty.

Writers Blog 11/17

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

The book I read was called “A great day for up”  This book is by Dr Suess and was his 18th book ever written.  What I like about the book are the illustrations.  The artist did very well in portraying great pastel artwork to flow well with the story.  What I do not like about the book is the ending.  I would not giving this book the newbery award because the ending gives off a negative idea and also makes the rest of the book seem to not follow.

Writers Blog 11/12

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

The writing process that is easier now for me than in any other paper is organization.  In the first essay, I was very lost in what way she would wanted the essay to be set up.  Now, I understand that how you state your thesis and opening paragraph is how it should be in the body of the paper.  It is very important to do this because it makes the paper well organized. Also, I don’t believe they will pass a paper if this isn’t done.

Writers Blog 11-10

December 9th, 2009 by mmfork

My essay could use smoother transmissions in my quotes.  I tend to focus on a specific topic, then jump right into a quote from someone.  I have received comments in my rough drafts numerous times for this being an issue.  I plan to work hard to fix this problem.

WB 11-05

November 12th, 2009 by mmfork

The most effective solution that I focused on in this paper is to conserve energy.  I feel that I addressed this topic very well throughout the whole paper and in the thesis statement.

WB for 11-3

November 12th, 2009 by mmfork

My thesis statement is as follows: A problem that has been in the world for a long time and needs to be addressed is the problem of global warming.  Solutions for this problem are to recycle more and conserve energy as much as possible.

WB for 11-10

November 12th, 2009 by mmfork

My essay could use better transitions from the opening paragraph to the first body paragraph.  I think that I have good transitions through out the body of the paper.  I try to make it follow the thesis as best I can.

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