Nov 15

This Week

Our reading this week is from Roy Pea on Practices of Distributed Intelligence and Designs for Learning (wiki login required.)

Matt will be serving as our discussion facilitator this week, so please check out the overview Prezi he has prepared for us below.  Please use Matt’s blog post on this topic as the hub for online discussion this week.  As usual, your blog posts synthesizing the reading and weekly discussion are due Sunday night.

As you read the article, crosscheck Pea’s ides with your own experiences and reflections about how the tools you use and the environments with which you interact influence your thinking and learning.  (For example, think about the “affordances” of the tools you selected for inclusion in your personal learning environment.  Does their design influence how you think about organizing information? Think about all the content generated by members of this class throughout the semester as Pea discussed “artifacts.” Also, think back to your experience in the VoiceThread debate a few weeks ago.  How were cognition and intelligence “distributed” by your group? How did the tools and resources you used influence your strategy?)  

I look forward to talking with you about this reading at Matt’s blog.

Full List of PLE Links

If you weren’t able to find all of the PLE demos by your classmates, a full set of links is below.  They are all definitely worth checking out.






Matt (Part 1) (Part 2)






Next Week

Believe it or not, next week is already Thanksgiving! Since it’s a holiday-shortened week for BGSU and many of you will be traveling, there is no new reading assignment for next week. 

Please use the time you would typically spend during the first half of the week reading and posting on the weekly readings to work on your research projects.

If you would like to set up a time to meet one-on-one via Skype or GoogleTalk to talk about your progress and get feedback on your project work so far, I’m open to scheduling individual appointments on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  I’m available during the day all day on Monday until 4:00, Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday evening, and all day Wednesday until 5:00.  

If you’d like to block out half an hour or so, just make a request in the comments below with a time that works for you, or send me an e-mail or direct message on Twitter. If you have an outline or draft material that it would be helpful for me to look at in advance, please also send me instructions on how to access it. I’d be happy to talk with you and hear how things are progressing for you. 

That’s it for tonight! I hope your week is off to a promising start.


See original post on Posterous at

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