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9/25 Reader Response

Academic honesty has many components. These components are activities that you should avoid to be academically honest.  “Do not cheat” pretty much sums up the entire list of things not to do. “Not cheating” covers plagiarizing, having someone else do you work for you, or copying someone else’s work.  It also covers not being able to use past papers without the permission of your professor.  Other points not covered under “don’t cheat” include copying signatures to get a better grade and bribing or threatening your teacher for a better grade.

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9/18 Reader Response

I am choosing to write on the first prompt; plagiarizing detecting in schools.  I’m taking the side with the teacers who believes that this process is beneficial.  I chose this prompt and side because it is something that I believe needs to be eliminated from schools.  As a hard working student myself, I was always very frustrated in high school when someone who had only spent five minutes reading a book and finding certain points got the same grade on a test or paper as I did. And I always read the book and spent hours studying.  This made me feel like studying and what not really wasn’t worth it.  Where is the point when you can cheat and get the same grade?  This reason is why I am going to argue that it undermines what education is really about.  You are no longer working hard at school to receive top grades.  You are just reading for five minutes and forgetting it after the test.  You aren’t really learning anything in English classes anymore.  You really don’t need a teacher in class if you can just find the answers on-line.  And the students who actually work hard, are doing it all for nothing.  When you cheat in school you are getting nothing out of it for yourself.  It won’t help you in the long run.  I am also going to argue that cheating in high school will lead to other events down the road.  Because everything came so easy to you in the past, you will expect it to come that easily in the future.  You won’t understand or know how to properly work hard for something in your education.  It will make college a heck of a lot harder as well.
Possible thesis:  Plagiarizing undermines what education is really about and can have some very harmful affects on your future.

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9/16 Reader Response

First in this process, I will choose a prompt, of which I will not be certain until we finish the video in class.  Next, I will plan and prewrite the main points in that I will want expressed in my paper.  To do this, I will make a list of my main points, and then outline my draft.  This will be done, hopefully, this weekend so I will be able to complete my next step on time.  My next step, beginning to write a rough draft, will be started on Monday the 21st and finished Wednesday the 23rd.  Before turning my rough draft in, I will edit my rough draft.  As I edit it, I will look at my strengths and weaknesses and try to find something that I can build off of to make my paper the strongest it can be.  After I turn in my rough draft, I will have my paper peer edited.  After having it peer edited, I will edit it myself more looking for strong points in my essay that I can build off of to create a great essay.  Hopefully, by the end of this process, I will have the strongest essay that I can write.  This strong paper will be finished and turned in by Wednesday the 30th.

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9/14 Reader Response

Types of Supports

  • Statistics
  • Quotes
  • Facts from documents
  • Data showing effects; tables
  • Bandwagon
  • Allusions to important figures or companies today
  • Authoritative comments
  • Factual statements



We use support in arguments for many reasons; here are a few.  One, we need to really make our readers understand our point of view.  There can be no hole which they can find in our argument.  Support helps answer all questions readers might ask to counter your argument and cover all points to our argument. Two, we need to make our point clearer. Using support, and an efficient amount of it, will leave no room for your reader to be confused. A persuasive article needs to have ­­­sufficient support to really succeed as a paper.

Not only do we use supports, but we also use a variety of supports.  If you wrote a whole paper using one kind of support, it would be a pretty boring read.  Therefore, more variety in your paper will add interest and diversity.  It also helps cover your paper from different perspectives your reader might have.  You can get a quote from a figurehead or important cooperation, or tell a story in which your argument point happened.  This will help grab your reader’s attention no matter if they’re rich or poor, liberal or radical, young or old, and male or female.  Support is needed throughout your entire paper.  An argument would be pretty useless without supporting details.  You wouldn’t really be able to make your point strong and considerable. Supports are a necessity.

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What I will do before Friday’s Class?

I will use the “Does the paper consistently pursue its main focus?” revision guideline before class this Friday.  I want to use this guideline because I feel that this is a problem in a lot of the papers I write.  I tend to lose a bit of focus when I write and just sort of type whatever comes to mind without thinking about it.  I want to make sure that I don’ t babble in my essay and that everything makes sense.  I also want to make sure that it clearly tells my story and make sure my readers don’t get confused.

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9/5 Reader Response

Kaylee Paul

GSW 1110-1085

Firstly in my revision process, I’ll look at the steps that I need to take next in my revision process.  I have already done my rough draft, self edited, and gotten my paper peer edited.  I will now need to revise my paper.  As I revise my paper I will look at certain comments made by different editors, and I will also take my paper to the writing lab to get other editor’s comments and see if they have a different perspective as to what my paper needs.  This will help me get an outsiders perspective and also tell me if my paper is in line with what it needs to be.

Next, as stated earlier, I will take a great look into the comments that my professor made about my paper.  Taking a good look at her comments will give me a better understanding of what she really wants out of my paper and also what it is lacking.    Not only will I look at my professors comments, but I’ll look at my peer’s comments.   Looking at the comments that he or she provided will help me understand the way that my audience perceives my paper.  Once I understand this, I can revise it so they can experience the full affect.

Looking at both of these perspectives will help me complete a draft that I am proud of and am positive will show my strengths as a writer and get me the best grade possible.

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8/28 Reader Response

I know that this is supposed to be listed, but I only really noticed two commonalities in these readings, so I decided to summarize them. One was that humans, no matter how well off we are or what race we are, are all interconnected.  And the other was overcoming obstacles in their way and keeping the faith. An example from the readings of humans being connected from Eve Birch’s essay is neighbors coming to help a neighbor and need and having to rely on each other to make it through their tough financial times.  An example from Helen Keller’s essay is her belief that we will all someday help each other “pull through the hard times.”  Jackie Robinson’s essay shows us the example that we are all equal, all the same, and can all do pretty much the same things.  The second commonality of overcoming obstacles is again shown through Eve Birch’s essay of her roughing it out and making it through her tough time, Helen Keller overcoming her illness, Jackie Robinson finally playing baseball with white people, and Isabel Allende getting through her daughter’s death.

I believe that the goals of a This I Believe essay are relatively simple.  The most obvious goal is that the editors want people to submit essays that show an important thing that they believe in and the process that it took for them to realize this belief.  I believe that these essays are supposed to bring certain points of everyone’s lives into focus.  Also, I think that we are supposed to find a deeper meaning from these essays.  I think the goal of the editors was to get people to think about their daily lives, believes, and choices, and try to change them for the better.  I believe that the editors saw that the world was connected in many different ways, that we all have the same beliefs, but we still treat each other like they aren’t as good as us.  This was their way of showing us that we are all the same by showing us a variety of people’s beliefs.iThis

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Audience Activity 8/28

I believe writing is important in the general sense that if people couldn’t write, there would be no history, no records, and no leisure.  Writing makes up a big part of our world that I don’t think many people realize.  If we couldn’t write, how would we know that Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492?  If we couldn’t write, there would be no Bible.  If we couldn’t write, there would be no books in the world.  No books would leave a lot of people without imagination, a way to escape for a while, or knowledge.

I believe writing is important because it brings knowledge to the world.  Writings make us aware of other people’s and world’s political and personal views.  It also gives us history and perspective.  I think our world would be lost without history.  I also think writing opens up a whole world of creativity.  You can express yourself and your beliefs and knowledge when you write.

Writing is important because it helps you understand reading. If you can write, you can read.  And reading will make all sorts of knowledge available to you.  Writing also gives you a way to express your ideas.

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