Apr 24 2009

blog post FINALE!

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I think that the blog usage in an English class was an interesting idea.  I think that with more experience using blogs in a classroom it could have panned out better.  What i am saying is that the general idea is good, and is definitely something that could productively be used in a class, but the grading and way the teacher recieves the blogs should be done differently.  For instance, earlier in the year when i posted a comment on a person’s blog, and the teacher said she never recieved the notification that i did, and i had to search throughout everyone’s blogs to find where i posted it.  Overall though i think blogs is a great way to get students writing more, and more interested in the class.  Class seems less monotonous when you have new blogs everyday to write, and having a few just about your personal life (like how our teacher did after spring break) is a good idea to keep students interested.

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Apr 22 2009

Peer Review Questions

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Which option between 1 and 2 should i do?

If it was turned into a power point, how should i arrange it?

Does it need a lot more bulk?

Do i need to talk more about literacy?

Is it a good topic?

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Apr 20 2009

re-see resume

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my resume was presented in a personal way, a way that chose to grab the emotional side of the employer; mainly because it had to do with the funeral business and the employer must know if you are an empathetic personable person or not.  What i would need to work on is a consitency between what the employer wanted in the bullet points and what i could tell him about myself and my accomplishments.

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Apr 17 2009

My FINAL proposal

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Final Project Proposal


Eng 207

Spring 2009

Options 1 & 2 Focus

  1. For my final project I am going to focus on Online Computer literacy because:


I have strongly literate with online computing, and I believe it will help me for the future since the internet is becoming such a staple in our society.




  1. This is a literacy because:


It acquires both reading and writing.





  1. Explain how you use/practice/demonstrate this literacy right now in your life right now (in other words, what role does the literacy in question one play in your life)?


 I use this literacy in school, and for personal use, and for my job.  I mainly use this for personal use right now, as it is one of my favorite past-times.  Whether I’m reading up about new music or movies, or seeing how my favorite sports team is doing and reading the inside scoop on them.






  1. Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their personal lives.  Explain how this literacy might be used by others in their professional lives.


Others probably use this literacy the same way I do, both for school (such as researching a topic) as well as personal life (such as facebook or myspace).  Professional life is becoming a lot more internet based, where corporations are starting to make employees not only sign on and use an e-mail account but also take tests for their job.






  1. How do you see yourself using this literacy professionally?  What need does this literacy meet that others cannot?  In other words, what will this literacy do that others do not?


I believe my this literacy will be used a lot in my future because the corporation I am a part of already requires me to go online, have a username and password, and complete certain tasks online.  This will only grow in time consumption especially if I stay with this corporation and become a manager.





  1. How do you plan to demonstrate your literacy?


I’m going to somehow create a web page or a power-point that will explain all the different ways that I use the internet.




  1. What questions do you have about this project?


How long does it have to be? And how much time should I spend on it because I’ve been failing all of the recent assignments.



  1. Create a chronological list of the steps you will need to take to complete this project.  Then, set a time-line of when each step will be completed.  This will be a tentative contract between you and me to assure you’re making progress on this project.


1.      Decide / brainstorm on how to present the information 1-day

2.      Compile information 2-days

3.      Work it all into a good format 2-days

4.      Acquire pictures 2-days

5.      Finalize -2days

6.      Turn in


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Apr 13 2009

Set up of Portfolio

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I want the reflective introduction to include a brief summary as to what this assignment entails, plus a little information about myself and this class.  What i want the reader to see first is something interersting like a video, or maybe the reader can listen to a song, or something pops up at them like a Gif.  I want my pages to look just like different pages in a portfolio, nothing too fancy.  To introduce myself i want to add something cool like a video maybe, although i’m not sure if we’re allowed to use existing videos, and just cite them at the bottom as not to infringe on copyright laws.

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Apr 08 2009

RESUME / COVER peer review blog

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What was the general opinion about my cover letter and resume is that the cover letter was well-formed and good, while the resume is not completed.  By monday i will complete the resume, and spice up the cover letter, which will end this assignment.  I need to spend some more time on the resume, and maybe even call up my parents to get some dates that I forget.  Overall it was a productive peer review, although very confusing at first.  I think maybe it should have been explained better before we started handing papers around.

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Apr 06 2009

leaving blog post

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this job right here seems like a lucritive possibility

i’m not having any problems as of yet with cover letter or resume.

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Apr 06 2009

Blog 4.6

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my company as that i have chosen as of right now is SCI.  Here is a quote directly from their website.

“Service Corporation International (SCI) is North America’s leading provider of deathcare products and services.  We have more than 22,000 dedicated employees who provide the finest funeral, cremation, and cemetery services to hundreds of thousands of families each year.  Operating from a network of more than 2,000 funeral homes and cemeteries, the people of SCI assist families with compassion and guidance at difficult times, helping them celebrate the significance of lives that have been lived, and preserving memories that transcend generations, with dignity and honor.”



This company seems to value customer service very highly.


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Apr 03 2009


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A resume is a document that includes all of your past work information, so that your future employer can check and see if you are qualified for the job, also it gives them the ability to call up your old employers and check and see why you left.  Resumes are very important these days because almost all jobs require them in order for you to apply for them.  Without a good resume it’ll be pretty hard to find a career.

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Mar 30 2009


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To revise something is to go over it, and fix it, change it, take out parts, or add in parts.  Revision is an essential part of writing papers, especially at a collegiate level, because getting a paper completely right when you first type it is very rare.  Without revision a lot of the papers that people would turn in would have a lot more errors.  How i conduct revisions is by carefully reading each sentence of the first draft and looking to see if there are errors or if something is worded wrong and needs to be re-written.

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