
September 27th, 2009 by istark

Academically honesty
for writing a paper people should be honest with what they write and cite what should be sited and not use plagiarism. if they do use ideas from other people. it seems fine to take and use other peoples ideas for your papers but you need to cite then and give credit where credit is due.

Essay 2 prewrite. 9-20-09

September 20th, 2009 by istark

i as i was searching through the prompts i have choices on writing, and i decided to choose the second one which is the choice of having parents monitor their childrens internet activity. i thought it would be good to say that the parents shouldnt go on to their child’s facebook or myspace, but get their own so they can check up on them and the child can have their own freedom and not have their parents monitoring ruin their high school life or their college life. they may be aloud to attempt to help them by telling what they can and cant do online, but most people in this computer age know who they can trust and they cant. i’m sure that if i a parent absoultely needed to know something they could just talk to their child and not just search the computer first and ask questions later. they should just come out and ask for what they have been doing. it should make the privacy seem more apparent and keep the parent informed. they could arrange a certain time where the parent talks with their child so they know what their child has been up too. and its still less creeping then bugging the child over the internet.

9-18-09 growing up on the internets argument.

September 17th, 2009 by istark

the main difference between the two sides in the first part of the video was that parents thought that their children needed to monitored more on the internet so that they will not do. most of the students say that they have grown up on the internet and they know what they can post. the parents think that they have posted to much so that a predator could get a hold of them, yet the teenagers and younger know that most of the people usually dont ask where they are from or where you are from, so they know not to respond to them.

9-9-09 Revision

September 9th, 2009 by istark

the one revision i have chose is this one.

Does each paragraph lead to the next?

i chose that because i believe that my story is not properly organized because one paragraph does not easily flow into the next paragraph.


September 8th, 2009 by istark

my plans for revising my paper include using more first hand accounts of my story, i will need to make my paper not bounce around too much. right now it is not in order and the grammar seems out of place in some points. i will also have some of my close associates in my dorm room help read my paper and give me some suggestions onto how he thinks i can write my paper better. i will also plan to fix all of my spelling errors that spell check did not pick up because they are the real words.  i wrote in my first paragraph with a bad opening and i need to change how i start my story. i will also need to revise my ending because the current one i have right now just cuts off and it needs more writting in it to be complete. i could also add more words since my paper is currently at 375 words and it could go up to 500. i could easily make my stories more in depth and attempt to make the reader feel more involved with my story. the more i brainstorm on what i plan on doing the better chance i have on knowing what to write.


August 28th, 2009 by istark

writing is important because it gets people to portray their thoughts down onto a page that they can read later. it helps develop creativity and makes the writer think more about their thoughts. it can be used to make yourself really organized.

writing is important because it helps people get organized and put down their thoughts onto paper. it also help people get ready for the real world.

writing is important because it helps you gain creativity and give your thoughts to the paper. you can think of neat stories and write them down to share with others.  it is a great way to remain organized also.

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