goals of class

August 21st, 2008

goals of class


Communication in French:

Interpersonal :  Person-to-person communication, negotiating of information in the target language either verbally or in written form.

Presentational:  Presenting information to others by speaking or writing/typing.

Interpretive: Understanding written/typed and spoken/sung language.



To other disciplines (how is the French language related to “culture,” “fashion,” “cuisine,” developments in science, the arts, geography, the preservation/promotion of languages, current world issues, history, Francophonie, etc.


To other languages: How does learning a foreign language such as French help a learner to discover or redefine understanding of  one’s native language(s)?


Cultures:  How is language related to the concepts language represents?  Which world cultures are ‘touched’ by French and which ones influence the preservation or mutation of the language?



Language outside of the classroom

Life-long process

2nd life 3

August 21st, 2008

what am i doing?  what is this for?  how am i supposed to use all of this & how can i use it for educational purposes??????

Hello world!

August 21st, 2008

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