Wo”MEN” Jeans…..

23 Nov


I think this a really cool ad. This is a Levi’s Jean ad is representative of a new pair of jeans that hit the market for women. Often times women complain about not being able to find a pair of jeans that fit their body figure. With experience myself, I have worn a pair of male jeans before because the fit was better and more comfortable. I think Levi really targeted that particular audience with this ad. The ad shows a man and a woman wearing the same pair of jeans. If you were to crop out each of the heads and leave just one, the jeans look amazing on each of them. The words on the ad say ” The Classic Men’s fit, Now re-cut for women”. The advertisement and the new design really capture one another.

With the narrative perspective, the two events that are happening are both stative events. The first is the man happy and looking nice in a pair of jeans. The next is the woman happy and looking nice in a pair of jeans. Being organized by time and depict a relationship between earlier and later events, are both represented by the same two events here. The words of the ad tell that at one point before the new jeans, men had a great pair of jeans. It then says that later the re-cut the jean to fit women correctly and now women can enjoy the benefits of a nice pair of jeans just like the men could. The ad defiantly presents a unified story. The story is the before and after story of men and women with a great fitting jean.

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