12 Jan 2012

Mykel Lindsay

Author: Mykel Lindsay | Filed under: Spring 2012

I was born in Detroit, MI and moved to Westbloomfield, MI at the age of 8. I’m a 2009 graduate from Walled Lake Central High School where we were known to have the top 5% academic curriculum of all Michigan schools. Growing up I noticed that I was very outspoken and usually very comfortable meeting new people. Upon realizing that, I entered Bowling Green State University, majoring in broadcast journalism. I am now a third year junior continuing to get a degree in the same field.

I am currently treasure for NABJ‘s BGSU chapter and a member of UAO‘s special events programming team. After graduation I do have plans to attend a graduate school to earn a Masters degree in communications. My career aspiration is to host my own television show, but as of now hosting a radio show of my own where I’ll be able to get my voice heard is currently my main focus. I’m a 20 year old optimistic and very determined to achieve all my goals.

0 thoughts on “Mykel Lindsay

  1. People Against the National Defense Act | BG Reports Says:

    […] By: Mykel Lindsay […]