Digital Imaging Final Project Inspiration

Posted in Uncategorized on April 3rd, 2012 by colbyw

Reading Response #1(pp.43-66)

Posted in Uncategorized on January 16th, 2012 by colbyw

The first section of the reading  is about what new media is. New media is media created using new technology such as computers and is meant to be displayed using it aswell. New media is constantly changing, even photography was new media at some point. Its always a challenge for artists to use new media in there art and for them to continually reinvent the wheel. This reading goes through a brief history of how technology has developed in media, it talks about the first photograph and even the first videos. In modern day technology is growing 10 fold every year and its amazing what advances will be coming in the future. The reading speaks of a new language created through technology, the new media is created instead of written language it was written in ones and zeros.

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